From One Act of Kindness, a Movement was Born.
"What is it you need? How can we help?"
Two simple sentences that mean a whole world of difference.
"It's WONDERFUL to meet you!"
Kimberly GorehamPresident & FounderThere is a deep river of abundance for each of us. All we have to do is let go, dip in and joyously let it flow! Thank you for your time and support, it means a lot!
We'd like to invite you to join us on this amazing adventure. All skills are needed, any time or financial support you can give is APPRECIATED and USED for the GREATER GOOD - IMMEDIATELY. |
We are delighted that you have found No Town Left Behind. This non-profit organization has taken on a life of it's own since it's inception. Our group of volunteers and community partners have moved heaven and earth to help ease the suffering for people, in the middle of the worst time of their lives. A little bit of basics about me... I am wary of labels, but here it goes: I am an avid student of life, lover of hardback books, self improvement & giggles. I am a woman of strong faith, a mom, daughter, friend, author, international speaker and I've been a business owner, of some kind, since I was 12 years old. Organization is my air and creativity is my hydration. I thank God above every day because I love what I do so much. Home for me is Orange County, California. I grew up in Huntington Beach and have watched a sleepy surf town turn into a mega metropolis. We lived close to the ocean and I spent much of my childhood camping, riding dirt bikes in the desert, body-boarding and hanging out on the beach. All of that time in the water and sand gave me a deep appreciation for our planet and wildlife. Originally, I didn't set out to start a non-profit corporation like N.T.L.B. I have owned and operated a successful private practice marketing company for over 20 years. Teaching doctors & teams how to grow their practices with great customer service and customized educational programs, is a passion of mine. When I help a doctor to clarify his or her mission, they serve their communities better and more often... ensuring a win-win for everyone. I have a soft spot for chiropractic students and volunteer often to teach marketing classes at Life West and Parker Chiropractic Colleges. We are blessed to have a very tight knit family and I am so grateful to have two amazing children, daughter Brynn and son Jacob. My kids are hilarious and very active. We are a fun loving, baseball family and spend time hanging out on the field or in nature as often as possible. In college I took weather courses in addition to becoming certified in marketing and small business management. It was here that I fell more in love with the SCIENCE of Mother Nature. Whenever there was a storm on the horizon, I'd grab some popcorn and binge watch the news coverage for the duration. I was fascinated by the community response and always wished I could be on scene to help. My family thought I was "a little too into it." When I saw the pathway of Hurricane Harvey I was very sad. My father's side of the family is from Texas and I spent many summers in a special town called Irving. As I watched, I could tell by the drop in pressure from the storm tracker, this was NOT going to be business as usual. As the storm hit, I was emotionally moved to help the struggling communities in Texas and took action quickly. Some towns were under 12 feet of water! Organization and people management is a gift and it's something I have been doing well all my life. Through Facebook our team raised $22,000.00 in just a week and from there we have moved over 44,000,000 pounds of food and supplies in the past 4 hurricanes and 2 wildfires. It's been a crash course in disaster relief work and I am so grateful to be supported by many others who have been moved to get off the couch and DO SOMETHING to help. Looking back now, just about everything I have ever done, including surviving raging wildfires in San Diego in 2004 & 2007... have prepared me for this moment in time. All of the life events that were painful and didn't make sense, all of the extra courses I "randomly took," people I know, my love of weather & wildlife and appreciation & love for people... have added up to EVERYTHING I need to MAKE a BIGGER DIFFERENCE in the world RIGHT NOW. The need is greater than any of us knew. If it can happen for me, it SURELY can and WILL happen for you. Baby steps add up over time, so PLEASE keep on, keeping on and join us! I'm extremely honored and humble to be here. I stand in amazement each day as the miracles continue to flow in and No Town Left Behind grows into a powerhouse, international relief & response organization. It's been a wonder to behold and I can't wait to see what else we can do as a group of empowered citizens, caring for one another. |
All the best to you and yours,
- Kimberly Goreham
- Kimberly Goreham